Comic Scripts - Examples

On a recent episode of Making Comics, Scott and I got a question on what comic scripts look like. To the point of that episode, here are two examples of scripts. The first example comes in Volume 2 of Kodoja, by which time Rory Smith and I had developed a relaxed working relationship. Things to note here are the lack of panel direction - specifically the sentence ‘Take most of this page to establish him walking through the airport with very few people around.’ Below this page you can see the result.

Issue 1 PG20&21 Script.jpg
Issue 1 PG20&21_FNL.jpg

This next example comes from the third volume of Kodoja. Rory moved on to a series of jobs in animation (now works for Disney) and the artist on the book, Alberto Palazzo, preferred more direction. That direction is visible in multiple places - first, the panel-by-panel direction (size of the panel on the page) and recommended shot (such as close shot or wide shot). There’s also a writing component here, as instead of turning dialogue in and waiting for results, I edited dialogue when necessary (since I did the lettering).

Sample script page 17 Issue 1.jpg
Sample page 17 Issue 1.jpg

I hope this information helps! For more information, tips and resources check out the Making Comics podcast on Here is the direct link: